Results for 'The Vienna Circle in HungaryVeröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener'

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  1. Der Wiener Kreis in Ungarn.The Vienna Circle in HungaryVeröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener - 2014 - In Maria Carla Galavotti, Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler, European Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Vienna Heritage. Cham: Springer.
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  2. Wissenschaft Und Subjektivität der Wiener Kreis Und Die Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts = Science and Subjectivity : The Vienna Circle and Twentieth Century Philosophy.David Andrew Bell & Wilhelm Vossenkuhl - 1992
  3. Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist. (Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, vol. 27).Donata Romizi, Monika Wulz & Elisabeth Nemeth (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer Nature.
    This book provides a new all-round perspective on the life and work of Edgar Zilsel (1891-1944) as a philosopher, historian, and sociologist. He was close to the Vienna Circle and has been hitherto almost exclusively referred to in terms of the so-called “Zilsel thesis” on the origins of modern science. Much beyond this “thesis”, Zilsel’s brilliant work provides original insights on a broad number of topics, ranging from the philosophy of probability and statistics to the concept of “genius”, (...)
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  4. Wittgenstein, der Wiener Kreis und der kritische Rationalismus: Akten des dritten Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums, 13. bis 19. August 1978, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Österreich) = Wittgenstein, the Vienna circle and critical rationalism: proceedings of the third International Wittgenstein Symposium, 13th to 19th August 1978, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria).Hal Berghel, Adolf Hübner & Eckehart Köhler (eds.) - 1979 - Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
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    Vienna Circle on Determinism.Tomasz Placek - 2014 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 17:183-195.
    Members of Vienna Circle explicated determinism in terms of predictability in principle, or calculability. This paper attempts to uncover the rationale for this explication. It argues that the explication was an attempt to escape trivialization arguments; another important factor was the Circle’s views on meaning as testability.
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    L’histoire de la philosophie autrichienne et ses institutions.Denis Fisette - 2011 - Philosophiques 38 (1):71-101.
    Cette étude porte sur la place qui revient à la Société philosophique de l’Université de Vienne dans l’évolution de l’histoire de la philosophie en Autriche jusqu’à la formation du Cercle de Vienne en 1929. Nous examinerons plus particulièrement trois aspects de la relation entre le Cercle de Vienne et la Société philosophique qui ont fait l’objet de plusieurs études par les historiens de l’empirisme logique : le premier aspect concerne la thèse d’un proto-Cercle de Vienne formé principalement par H. Hahn, (...)
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    Überlegungen zu Hans Kelsens “allgemeine theorie der normen” by Kazimierz Opalek. “Schriftenreihe Des Hans Kelsen-instituts,” volume 4. vienna: Manz verlag, 1980., And untersuchungen zur stufenbaulehre Adolf merkls und Hans Kelsen. By Jürgen behrend. “Schriften zur rilchtstheorie,” volume 65. Berlin: Duncker & humblot, 1977. [REVIEW]Stanley L. Paulson - 1982 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 27 (1):159-165.
    In jurisprudential circles the year 1981 might well be dubbed the year of Hans Kelsen, with no fewer than three symposia celebrating the hundredth anniversary of his birth. The Association for Legal and Social Philosophy in the United Kingdom held a conference on Kelsen in Edinburgh in April, giving special attention to “legal epistemology” in the Pure Theory of Law. A symposium of the Austrian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy, held in the Schloss Retzhof near Graz in May, was (...)
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    Politieke vrijheid: De republikeinse kritiek Van de liberale opvatting Van vrijheid.André Van de Putte - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (4):627-656.
    The debate following Berlin's famous lecture Two Concepts of Liberty circled around the opposition between negative and positive liberty. Berlin delivered his lecture during the period of the Cold War. Therefore it not only provoked a very technical debate within analytic philosophy on the concept of liberty but also contained an important butdebatable political message: those who endorse positive liberty should be conscious of the fact that the logic of positive liberty leads, if not necessarily at least easily to despotism, (...)
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    Friedrich Stadler, The Vienna Circle and Logical Empiricism: Re‐evaluation and Future Perspectives. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press , 448 pp., $163. Thomas Bonk, Language, Truth and Knowledge: Contribution to the Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Press , 216 pp., $89.95. [REVIEW]Thomas Uebel - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (4):637-642.
    Both books form part of the proceedings of a 2001 Vienna conference held to mark the tenth anniversary of the Vienna Circle Institute (VCI). Founded independently of the University of Vienna (and funded even more precariously) and led since its inception by Friedrich Stadler, the VCI has managed to organize and cosponsor a remarkable number of conferences, most of them documented by volumes in three ongoing series of monographs that have become important repositories of current work (...)
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    Bausteine wissenschaftlicher Weltauffassung: Lecture Series/Vorträge des Instituts Wiener Kreis 1992-1995.Friedrich Stadler - 1997 - Springer Verlag.
    Die Beiträge internationaler WissenschaftlerInnen behandeln die aktuelle Lage der aus Österreich stammenden Strömungen des Logischen Empirismus, des Kritischen Rationalismus und der analytischen Sprach- und Wissenschaftstheorie. Eingebettet in theoretische Abhandlungen finden sich biographische Artikel zu einigen der wichtigsten und mit Österreich eng verbundenen Philosophen der ersten Hälfte unseres Jahrhunderts: Popper, Feyerabend, Carnap, Neurath und Zilsel. Insgesamt liefern die Beiträge, dem Titel entsprechend, aufeinander bezogene Bausteine für ein dynamisches, offenes wissenschaftliches Weltbild, welches sich der logisch-rationalen Analyse und der kritisch-empirischen Aufklärung verpflichtet fühlt.
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    Die linke Ecke des Wiener Kreises.Rudolf Lüscher - 1979 - Analyse & Kritik 1 (2):182-191.
    Beckermann’s belief in a “direct connection” between Logical Empiricism and socialist politics is unjustified: (I) Logical Empiricism supports - if anything - 'rational', i.e. non-metaphysically grounded political positions, including non-socialist and authoritarian ones. (II) Logical Empiricism offers instruments to anybody willing to talk rationally about politics, but it cannot urge anybody to become politically active. (Ill) The only systematic attempt to develop a politically relevant sociology within the Vienna Circle, i.e. Neurath’s, is at best methodologically inconsistent and at (...)
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  12.  20
    Wittgensteins virtuelle Präsenz im Wiener Kreis, 1931–35.Juha Manninen - 2023 - In Friedrich Stadler, Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle: 100 Years After the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Springer Verlag. pp. 269-314.
    Im Wiener-Kreis-Archiv in Haarlem/NL befinden sich zahlreiche Protokolle, die mit Moritz Schlicks Lehrstuhl für Philosophie in Zusammenhang stehen – Manuskripte, Typoskripte und stenografische Manuskripte. Diese enthalten umfangreiche und ausführliche Informationen über Schlicks Seminare und auch über die sogenannten Proseminare, die den Dokumenten zufolge „bei Prof. Schlick“ stattfanden, nach 1929 jedoch de facto nicht von ihm gehalten wurden. Seit seiner Ankunft in Wien war Schlick für diese beiden Arten von Seminaren verantwortlich, die unter seiner Aufsicht standen und hauptsächlich von Studenten (...)
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  13.  24
    Studien zum Wiener Kreis. Ursprung, Entwicklung und Wirkung des Logischen Empirismus im Kontext. [REVIEW]Hans Sluga - 1998 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 5:411-414.
    By delineating in this way the historical context of the Vienna Circle, by tracing its origins in the rise of a scientific philosophizing that began in Austria with Bolzano and extended through Brentano and Mach, by exploring the antecedents of the Vienna Circle in the first two decades of this century, by showing, in particular, how the Vienna Circle interacted with a number of other intellectual groups in Vienna , how it was engaged (...)
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  14. th Vienna Circle Lecture.18Wiener Kreis Vorlesung - 2014 - In Maria Carla Galavotti, Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler, European Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Vienna Heritage. Cham: Springer.
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  15. Ethik und Moral im Wiener Kreis. Zur Geschichte eines engagierten Humanismus.Anne Siegetsleitner - 2014 - Wien: Böhlau.
    Die vorliegende Schrift unternimmt eine Revision des vorherrschenden Bildes der Rolle und der Konzeptionen von Moral und Ethik im Wiener Kreis. Dieses Bild wird als zu einseitig und undifferenziert zurückgewiesen. Die Ansicht, die Mitglieder des Wiener Kreises hätten kein Interesse an Moral und Ethik gezeigt, wird widerlegt. Viele Mitglieder waren nicht nur moralisch und politisch interessiert, sondern auch engagiert. Des Weiteren vertraten nicht alle die Standardauffassung logisch-empiristischer Ethik, die neben der Anerkennung deskriptiv-empirischer Untersuchungen durch die Ablehnung jeglicher normativer (...)
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  16.  43
    Des Institutions en Personne: Une sociologie pragmatique en dialogue avec Paul Ricœur.Laurent Thévenot - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (1):11-33.
    French so-called sociologie pragmatique is indebted to Ricœur's philosophy on several points. After recalling them, the article focuses on the political and moral sociology which initiated this pragmatist turn. The dialogue with Ricœur firstly developed around theories of justice (Rawls, Walzer, Boltanski and Thévenot) and the author considers its main outlines: pluralism, the legitimacy of judgment, the recognition of authority, politics. A second part of the article builds on the continued relations resulting from the author's new developments of the sociology (...)
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  17.  31
    Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung des Wiener Kreises. Eine Replik auf A. Beckermanns „Logischer Positivismus und radikale Gesellschaftsreform“.Rainer Hegselmann - 1979 - Analyse & Kritik 1 (1):47-50.
    Beckermann states correctly that one wing of the Vienna Circle advocated a program of rationality including theoretical as well as practical questions. However, contrary to Beckermann, it can be pointed out that there is no consistent relationship between the theoretical and practical parts of this program. These inconsistencies could be eliminated if one takes the historical background from which Logical Empiricism originated into consideration.
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    Gespräche, Vorträge, Séancen: Kurt Gödels Wiener Protokolle 1937/38: Transkriptionen Und Kommentare.Tim Lethen - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides detailed transcriptions of two notebooks written by Kurt Gödel in Vienna in 1937/38 in the nearly forgotten Gabelsberger shorthand system. The first of these notebooks, simply entitled as the Protokoll-book, contains notes on conversations Gödel had with people like Rudolf Carnap, Rose Rand, Friedrich Waismann, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, and many others who were—at least to some degree—connected to the Vienna Circle. It also covers detailed descriptions of the regular meetings organized by Edgar Zilsel. The second (...)
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    B. F. McGuinness, ed. , Friedrich Waismann: Causality and Logical Positivism. [Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook Volume 15] . Reviewed by. [REVIEW]James C. Klagge - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (4):312-314.
  20. Wissenschaftliche Philosophie im Exil: Cassirer und der Wiener Kreis nach 1933.Thomas Mormann - 2016 - Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis 23:159 - 179.
  21. The Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 25.Esther Ramharter (ed.) - 2022
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    Le rôle politique de la mémoire en colombie et au chili : Imaginaires, mobilisations, institutions.Marie-Christine Doran - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):43-75.
    Chile and Colombia have undergone very different postconflict processes. Whereas in Chile there was an elite-based negotiated transition from a state terror regime, Colombia presents a gradual exit from an armed conflict involving multiple actors and taking place in one of Latin America’s most stable democracies. A strong common feature nevertheless exists in these two countries: important social movements—notably, student, afro-descendant, Indigenous, and peasant movements—that put forward memory, but which reach beyond the circle of direct victims. These “memory from (...)
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  23.  8
    Vienna Circle. Shaping Contemporary Analytic Philosophy and its History.Mirja Hartimo & Anssi Korhonen (eds.) - 2024 - mdpi.
    An exciting trend in current analytic philosophy is the emergence of several topics that draw their inspiration partly from the work of Rudolf Carnap, a leading figure in the Vienna Circle. Approaches such as deflationary metaontology, conceptual engineering, logical pluralism, and related views on the normativity of logic are seen to have Carnapian roots; however, these topics are quite foreign to the once-prevalent but rather narrow reading of Carnap that derives from W. V. Quine’s and others’ appraisal of (...)
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    Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo.John O. Reiss, Ann C. Burke, Charles Archer, Miquel de Renzi, Hernán Dopazo, Arantza Etxeberría, Emily A. Gale, J. Richard Hinchliffe, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Chris S. Rose, Diego Rasskin-Gutman & Gerd B. Müller - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):351-356.
    In September 2008, 10 years after the untimely death of Pere Alberch (1954–1998), the 20th Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology gathered a group of Pere’s students, col- laborators, and colleagues (Figure 1) to celebrate his contribu- tions to the origins of EvoDevo. Hosted by the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) outside Vienna, the group met for two days of discussion. The meeting was organized in tandem with a congress held in May 2008 at the Cavanilles (...)
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    Die Venustafeln des Ammī-ṣaduqa und ihre Bedeutung für die astronomische Datierung der altbabylonischen Zeit. By Joachim Mebert.Teije de Jong - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    Die Venustafeln des Ammī-ṣaduqa und ihre Bedeutung für die astronomische Datierung der altbabylonischen Zeit. By Joachim Mebert. Archiv für Orientforschung, Beiheft 31. Vienna: Institut für Orientalistik der Universität Wien, 2010. Pp. 179.
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    ACtivitieS of the inStitute viennA CirCle.Theorienstrukturalismus–Eine Kritische Neubewertung - 2012 - In Richard Creath, Rudolf Carnap and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
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    Written institutional ethics policies on euthanasia: an empirical-based organizational-ethical framework.Joke Lemiengre, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Paul Schotsmans & Chris Gastmans - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (2):215-228.
    As euthanasia has become a widely debated issue in many Western countries, hospitals and nursing homes especially are increasingly being confronted with this ethically sensitive societal issue. The focus of this paper is how healthcare institutions can deal with euthanasia requests on an organizational level by means of a written institutional ethics policy. The general aim is to make a critical analysis whether these policies can be considered as organizational-ethical instruments that support healthcare institutions to take their institutional responsibility for (...)
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    La comprensión de los profesores sobre imaginar y crear.Maria Nizete de Azevedo, Ligia Dias da Silva & Priscila Maria Souza - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:176-190.
    This paper examines the understanding of a group of teachers about imagination and creation in their pedagogical activities. The three basic concepts — imagination, creation, and understanding— are studied in the light of Historical-Cultural Theory, with an emphasis on Vygotsky, Volóshinov, and Bakhtin. The research was conducted in one of the schools that are part of a collaborative partnership project with the university. The analysis of a conversation circle, mediated by the dialog-understanding relationship, was employed as the unit of (...)
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    Die Wiener Hirnforschung und die Entstehung des österreichischen Positivismus.Josef Hlade - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (1):7-27.
    Viennese Brain Research and the Formation of Austrian Positivism. In this paper, I want to argue that the Vienna School of Medicine and especially the Viennese Brain Anatomy had an impact on the formation of the Austrian positivism. I argue that Carl von Rokitansky's (1804–1878) doctrine that psychological phenomena must be translated into anatomical facts and Theodor Meynert's (1833–1892) theory of brain functions served as one basis for the formation of the Austrian positivism. In this sense, two of the (...)
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    Moving Circles: mobile media and playful identities.M. L. De Lange - unknown
    The mobile phone has become part of our everyday lives with astonishing speed. Over four billion people now have access to mobile phones, and this number keeps increasing. Mobile media technologies shape how we communicate with each other, and relate to the world. This raises questions about their influence on identity. Medium-specific properties and user-practices challenge the idea that we understand ourselves through stories. It is proposed that the notion of play sheds new light on how technologies shape identities. The (...)
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  31. Social Innovation: Integrating Micro, Meso, and Macro Level Insights From Institutional Theory.Ignasi Martí, Frank G. A. de Bakker, Silvia Dorado, Charlene Zietsma & Jakomijn van Wijk - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (5):887-918.
    Social innovations are urgently needed as we confront complex social problems. As these social problems feature substantial interdependencies among multiple systems and actors, developing and implementing innovative solutions involve the re-negotiating of settled institutions or the building of new ones. In this introductory article, we introduce a stylized three-cycle model highlighting the institutional nature of social innovation efforts. The model conceptualizes social innovation processes as the product of agentic, relational, and situated dynamics in three interrelated cycles that operate at the (...)
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    Um brinde ao entrecruzamento de vozes.Eliete Hugueney de Figueiredo Costa & Simone de Jesus Padilha - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):163-184.
    RESUMO Este estudo constitui um recorte de pesquisa doutoral que teve por objetivo compreender, na dimensão verbo-visual da revista cuiabana A Violeta, como se constitui discursivamente o entrecruzamento de vozes. Tomamos o enunciado Chronica, da edição de 31 de dezembro de 1937, a fim de desvelar as tensões discursivo-ideológicas por meio da análise de estratégias linguístico-discursivas e de mobilização do plano de expressão verbo-visual. Baseamo-nos na teoria de Bakhtin e o Círculo, quanto às questões que envolvem as relações dialógicas entre (...)
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    Nelson algebras, residuated lattices and rough sets: A survey.Lut School of Engineering Science Jouni Järvinen Sándor Radeleczki Umberto Rivieccio A. SOftware Engineering, Finlandb Institute Of Mathematics Lahti, Uned Hungaryc Departamento de Lógica E. Historia Y. Filosofía de la Ciencia & Spain Madrid - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):368-428.
    Over the past 50 years, Nelson algebras have been extensively studied by distinguished scholars as the algebraic counterpart of Nelson's constructive logic with strong negation. Despite these studies, a comprehensive survey of the topic is currently lacking, and the theory of Nelson algebras remains largely unknown to most logicians. This paper aims to fill this gap by focussing on the essential developments in the field over the past two decades. Additionally, we explore generalisations of Nelson algebras, such as N4-lattices which (...)
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    Why we should talk about institutional (dis)trustworthiness and medical machine learning.Michiel De Proost & Giorgia Pozzi - 2025 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 28 (1):83-92.
    The principle of trust has been placed at the centre as an attitude for engaging with clinical machine learning systems. However, the notions of trust and distrust remain fiercely debated in the philosophical and ethical literature. In this article, we proceed on a structural level ex negativo as we aim to analyse the concept of “institutional distrustworthiness” to achieve a proper diagnosis of how we should not engage with medical machine learning. First, we begin with several examples that hint at (...)
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    De werking van het eerste rechtstreeks verkozen Vlaams Parlement, 13 juni 1995 - 20 september 1997.Norbert De Batselier - 1997 - Res Publica 39 (4):573-595.
    The first general elections for the Flemish Parliament have given this institution a new dynamic. In its first session several ambitious reforms were approved in order to modernise the internalfunctioning of the Flemish Parliament. It has become a place for debate beyond party borders. In its classic functions like voting laws and controlling government improvement is also visible. However, there are some disappointing results: the attraction of the plenary session stays low and the number of interpellations is still considerable.In its (...)
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    Alejandro Zambra, Against educational institutions.Andrés de Jesús Segura Amancio - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:215-230.
    Resumen: Este trabajo presenta un estudio empírico sobre la direccionalidad en la traducción de los adverbios de grado chinos. Se ha adoptado una metodología cuantitativa basada en corpus y se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo para analizar las diferencias entre las traducciones directas e inversas de los adverbios de grado en un corpus paralelo construido para este estudio. El resultado muestra que los traductores hispanos prefieren utilizar el método de equivalencia, mientras que los chinos tienden a usar el método de (...)
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    De omstreden effectwerking van TV-verkiezingsuitzendingen op kiesattitude en kiesgedrag.Els De Bens - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (1):49-61.
    Most research reveals that television mainly confirms and re-inforces the existing party-preferences. Despite these findings, public opinion and especially politicians still believe in the direct effect of television on voter-decisions. Same researchers, among whom E. Noelle-Neumann, have given empirical evidence of strong influence of television on voter attitudes hut their findings have been widely contested.In recent years the topic is approached in a different way. The role of television in election campaigns was assessed in a broader context in combination with (...)
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    Hibridização e gêneros do discurso em Recife frio, de Kleber Mendonça Filho.Adriana Pucci Penteado de Faria E. Silva - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):97-118.
    RESUMO Neste trabalho, proponho uma leitura de aspectos discursivos do curta-metragem de ficção Recife frio, de Kleber Mendonça Filho, com o objetivo de refletir sobre como a hibridização de gêneros na obra, decorrente da presença de gêneros intercalados no filme, cria sentidos e provoca determinada postura na interlocução com os espectadores. Para tanto, discuto alguns conceitos-chave da teoria bakhtiniana, descrevo momentos específicos do curta-metragem e proponho análises pontuais de determinadas cenas ou sequências. A forma de diálogo com o corpus segue (...)
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    O discurso acadêmico de professores de inglês sobre a internacionalização no contexto do Seminário Internacional da ABRALITEC.Samuel de Carvalho Lima - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (3):e59977.
    ABSTRACT This study set out to analyze the academic discourse on internationalization as deployed by English teachers who took part in Seminário Internacional da Associação Brasileira de Professores de Língua Inglesa da Rede Federal de Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico (2020) [2020 International Seminar of the Brazilian Association of English Language Teachers in the Federal Network of Basic, Technical and Technological Education]. Grounded in Dialogic Discourse Analysis, we built a corpus with five oral presentation summaries extracted from the conference’s book (...)
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    Institutional Entrepreneurship and CSR within Multinational SME’s.Dirk Johan de Jong & Frank Jan de Graaf - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:449-458.
    This paper develops propositions on the added value for SMEs of normatively based, employee-oriented corporate social responsibility (CSR). We suggest that not only motives but also the skills of the owner/manager as an institutional entrepreneur are critical in dealing with institutional variance. Also, the transfer of employee-oriented CSR can have positive results for SMEs that could imply that globalisation is not only a race to the bottom.
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    Callejones sin salida: dos reconstrucciones de la respuesta al círculo cartesiano.José Marcos de Teresa - 2012 - Signos Filosóficos 14 (27):43-70.
    En este artículo explico el problema de la circularidad, tradicionalmente achacado a la metafísica cartesiana, destacando la importancia que, según Descartes, reviste esta cuestión. Argumento que las versiones del cartesianismo que ofrecen algunos de los comentarios más populares, utilizados en lengua castellana (los de Margaret Wilson y John Cottingham), resultan incompatibles con las posiciones que Descartes mantiene en una serie de textos. Teorías de ese corte sólo podrían justificarse por su valor filosófico intrínseco, pero también sostengo que ambas reconstrucciones presentan (...)
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    Studien zum Wiener Kreis: Ursprung, Entwicklung, und Wirkung des logischen Empirismus im Kontext.Friedrich Stadler - 1997 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  43. De klacht van de spelbrekers: Studentenverzet en business as usual.Patricia de Vries - 2025 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 65 (1):34-41.
    Sara Ahmed was among the first academics to openly support students’ Palestine solidarity encampments. She asserts that such encampments function similarly to complaints, targeting mechanisms that perpetuate and normalise violence. Ahmed’s work conceptualises complaints as forms of resistance that expose institutional power structures, often maintained through ‘straightening devices’; mechanisms that align behaviors with institutional norms, encouraging certain practices while discouraging others. The solidarity encampments exemplify Ahmed’s phenomenological approach and embodied feminist politics, highlighting how affect shapes social dynamics within institutions and (...)
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    De partijpolitisering als instrument van particratie : Een overzicht van de ontwikkeling sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog.Lieven De Winter - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (1):53-107.
    The Belgian political system is of ten qualified as a particracy, this is a variation of the classical parliamentary democracy, in which political parties dominate the political decision-making process more than the other subsystems, such as parliament, the government, the public administration, the judiciary power, the broadcasting institutions, the written press etc. This preponderancy is achieved by the partypolitisation of the positions in and the functio ning of these subsystems.Partyleaders exert nowadays a major influence on the constellation of a new (...)
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    Revisitando o Experimento de Libet: Contribuições Atuais da Neurociência Para o Problema Do Livre-Arbítrio.Otávio Morato de Andrade & Renato César Cardoso - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (155):437-457.
    ABSTRACT For a long time, the question of the existence of free will has fueled philosophical debate with no definitive solution. Libet’s paradigm (1983) seemed to demonstrate that simple and apparently voluntary movements could be triggered not by consciousness, but by preconscious or random brain processes. Such findings had wide repercussions in the academic and scientific circles, triggering an extensive discussion among neuroscientists, philosophers and jurists. Exploring the interfaces between neuroscience and free will, the present work aims to formulate an (...)
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  46. Crime e fruição: o egoísmo de Max Stirner como discurso de resistência contra a dominação?Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2018 - Dissertation, Nova University Lisbon
    This dissertation critically examines the writings of Max Stirner, especially his masterpiece The Ego and Its Own, as a discourse of resistance against modern forms of domination and, in particular, against the modern political State. I begin by examining Stirner's inversion of the Hegelian concept of the State, from the “actualization of freedom”to an instance of domination. The State appears, to Stirner as to Hegel, as the guardian of order and cohesion in modern societies. While both recognize the genesis of (...)
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    Certitudes et hésitations des institutions scolaires françaises entre instruction, socialisation et qualification. Un point de vue historique sur la longue durée.André Robert - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):105-113.
    Claiming the legacy of revolutionary of 1789, the Republicans organise at the end of nineteenth century the French school in its modern form and developpe a philosophy that is “fondationnaire” placing educational institution as foundation of the nation. The idea of the emancipation of the people by rational instruction without neglecting the moral and civic education is well located in the heart of the French school project and aims abstract rational subjects, despite their unique characteristics and affiliations. The phrase “the (...)
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    Transtorno opositor desafiador: relações de poder na sociedade governamentalizadora.Vanessa Regina de Oliveira Martins, Mariana Peres Morais & Bianca Salles Conceição - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021037.
    Diagnosing Challenging Oppositional Disorder on children and young people is approached by health as a disorder that has a compilation of features that can even make the disorder easily camouflaged or confused with others, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Disorder. In addition to the discussions of a TOD’s clinical perception, it’s necessary to deconstruct some norms and look at this difference, through another perception in which it allows us to reflect TOD from a philosophical social perspective.This research sought (...)
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    El argumento fundamental de la metafísica cartesiana: hacia una interpretación dialéctica.José Marcos De Teresa - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (81):85-107.
    Resumen: Este artículo ofrece razones iniciales para interpretar en forma dia-léctica las “pruebas de la existencia divina” que Descartes ofrece en sus Meditaciones III y V. Primero indico algunos precedentes entre los comentaristas contemporáneos y señalo cómo esa manera de abordar los problemas funda-mentales arranca en los clásicos griegos. Después muestro cómo un procedi-miento dialéctico podría resolver un conjunto de problemas que, en principio, incluye el tradicional “círculo cartesiano”. Por último, intento mostrar que no es impensable atribuirle a Descartes una (...)
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  50. War die ‘Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung’ des Wiener Kreises nicht doch auch eine Weltanschauung?Donata Romizi - 2013 - In Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler, Die Europäische Wissenschaftsphilosophie Und Das Wiener Erbe. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis Band 18, 105 - 127, Springer.
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